Currently, the Master of Applied Economics maintains ties with some universities abroad that count with graduate degree programmes, which makes the student and teacher exchange possible, and represents a benefit for the programme students. Some of these universities are:
-Booth Business School (University of Chicago)
-Brandeis University (United States)
-Helsinki School of Economics (Finland)
-Norwegian School of Economics (Norway)
-NOVA University (Lisbon)
-Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden)
-St. Gallen University (Switzerland)
-Torcuato Di Tella University (Argentina)
-CEMA University (Argentina)
-University of Chile (Chile)
-Universitá Luigi Bocconi (Italy)
-Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
-Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Austria)
For more information, consult Intercambio Académico ITAM