

Students who have 100% of the subjects of the Master in Applied Economics program accredited may begin the degree process. The Ex-Student may choose to prepare a Thesis:

DEGREE BY THESIS: Original, innovative, knowledge generating and demonstrative work on an area of ​​knowledge. The thesis must propose a hypothesis, which should be analyzed to a method proposed at work.


Degree by Thesis Procedure:


  1. Registration interview with the Program Director, Mtra. Claudia Aburto, to review the Definition of the Topic and the Assignment of the Thesis Advisor.

  2. Visit to School Control. The student must request in a review of their file to obtain proof of completion of studies as well as certification that all their papers are in order.

  3. Finalization interview. At the end of the thesis preparation (once the work is "released" by the advisor), the student must request an appointment with the Director of the Master to submit their work. In this interview you will be assigned the three synods to which you must give a copy of your work. Once the synodals read the work, that they indicate the corrections that they consider pertinent and that the student incorporates those corrections, the process of titling with School Control can be initiated.

  4. Procedure of Degree. Once the thesis has been released, both by the advisor and by the three synodal ones (request Titling Opinion formats from the Directorate of the Master in Applied Economics), the title process will begin.